Childhood maltreatment is a toxic stressor that occurs in the family context and is related to adverse outcomes including elevations in internalizing symptomology and externalizing symptomology. In
the present study, we tested the role of threat and deprivation dimensions of child maltreatment in the etiology of comorbid psychopathology in emerging adulthood. Additionally, we investigated emotion regulation and emotion lability/negativity as mechanisms underlying the relationship between child maltreatment dimensions and emerging adult psychopathology. To address these aims, we used a longitudinal sample of emerging adults (
N = 413,
Mage = 19.67, 78.0% Black, 51.1% female) who had previously participated in research assessments at age 10–12. Using a person-centered approach with latent profile analysis, we identified three classes of emerging adulthood psychopathology characterized by different levels of symptom severity and comorbidity between internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Emerging adults who experienced deprivation only, compared to those who were not maltreated, were more likely to belong to a comorbid and severe psychopathology class versus the other identified psychopathology classes. There was also a significant indirect pathway from experiences of both threat and deprivation to a high externalizing class via emotion lability/negativity. Our results contribute to current models of childhood adversity and psychopathology and have implications for interventions to prevent psychopathology among emerging adults exposed to child maltreatment.