Several meta-analyses indicate that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) via electronic/technological devices or applications (i.e., eCBT) is an effective alternative to standard therapist-delivered CBT for anxious adults. However, we know little about the efficacy of eCBT interventions for anxious children and adolescents. The present meta-analysis set out to investigate the efficacy of eCBT in comparison to standard CBT or waitlist control for anxious children and adolescents. Eight randomized controlled studies (N = 404 participants) that targeted anxiety at post-intervention and follow-up were included in the analysis. The results indicated that eCBT was as effective as standard CBT (g = .295) and more effective than waitlist (g = 1.410) in reducing anxiety symptoms. Moderation analyses revealed that anxious children and adolescents benefited the most from eCBT in the minimal therapist involvement condition (g = 2.682) in contrast to the significant therapist involvement group (g = .326). Furthermore, older participants seemed to extract greater clinical benefits from eCBT in contrast to younger participants (slope = .514). Current eCBT interventions for anxious children and adolescents appear to be promising, but require further investigation.