Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) are widely used with adults and children to treat anxiety and depressive symptomatology. However, only few studies with a rigorous design have been conducted among adolescents with behavior disorders even though this population suffers from symptoms that can be addressed by MBIs such as inattention and hyperactivity. The present study investigated the effect of a MBI on internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescents with behavior disorders.
A sample of adolescents with behavior disorders (N = 129) living in a residential service for youth were allocated to one of three treatment conditions: a treatment as usual condition, a health psychoeducation condition, and a MBI condition. The three groups were compared over a period of three assessment points plus a 1-year follow-up on self-report questionnaires, questionnaires rated by adolescents’ educators, and behavioral tasks. To test the MBI efficacy, multilevel analyses were performed, controlling for gender and medication.
All groups improved on most measures, likely due to the intensive institutional care provided by default. The MBI significantly improved attentional capacities, but had no significant differential impact on depressive symptomatology, mindfulness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, or oppositional behaviors in comparison to the other conditions.
MBIs may help adolescents with behavior disorders at the attentional level. Further research is needed to determine the potential benefits of mindfulness on externalizing and internalizing symptoms in this population.