Health care is changing rapidly. Recently, initiatives have emerged at a regional level to integrate prevention, cure and care, often labeled as population (health) management (PM). In these initiatives health care providers (care groups), health insurance companies as well as municipalities collaborate and strive to address health needs at all points along the continuum of health and well-being. The success of such models is assessed in term of the extent to which they contribute to the Triple Aim: improve the health of population, improve the quality of the care services, and provide services that are more cost-effective. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport designated nine of these initiatives as ‘pioneer sites’. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) will monitor these sites within the Dutch Monitor Population Management (DMPM). In this Spectrum the RIVM describes PM within the Dutch context and the monitor. Subsequently three perspectives are presented from a health insurer (Erik Kramer), a pioneer site (Edwin Leutscher) and the ministery of Health, Welfare and sport (Jack Hutten and Lejo van der Heiden).