Dr. Albert Ellis, father of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), authored a response to mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), an emerging mindfulness-based therapy, in 2006. Since, practice and research on mindfulness has emerged with much attention being given to mindfulness-based therapies at large. By revisiting Ellis’s words and insights through the lens of the last decade of research, this article aims to uncover core similarities and differences between REBT and MBSR. Such themes of philosophical underpinnings, acceptance, and homework link these approaches, while present moment attention, cognitive restructuring, and meditation distinguish them. Moreover, research comparing mindfulness to cognitive-behavioral approaches has opened up an evidence-base for deciphering the utility and clinical effectiveness of these therapies. Further exploration can help uncover and better support the proposed similarities and differences between them. Through examining Ellis’s words and the associated research, this article serves to assist in clarifying and highlighting critical aspects of these therapies and interaction amongst them.