This research focuses on the associations between living under security tension and parental discrepancies in assessing current and past child behavioral and emotional problems.
The study included 68 Israeli married couples (N = 136) living in areas considered a conflict zone. Parents assessed their child’s emotional and behavioral problems both at present (after the operation had ended) and retrospectively (before the operation) using Achenbach’s CBCL questionnaire. Level of the parent’s exposure and fear resulting from security threats were assessed.
The study findings indicate positive correlations between the mother and the father’s assessment of current and past child problems. However, mothers assessed the child’s behavior as more severe than fathers. Level of exposure was positively associated with the father’ tendency to assess the child’s problems as severe. Overall, both parents perceived the child as suffering from more problems after the military operation than before.
The study findings suggest that there is a good correspondence between parental assessment for both present and past problems and that security tension is reflected in the father’s awareness of the child’s problems and in the child's elevated problems.