This study describes the utility scores of the SF-6D, standardized for the Brazilian urban population.
Five thousand individuals, over the age of 15, were assessed in the five regions of the country, in 16 capitals. The sample consisted of representative quotas of the Brazilian population. The selection of households was random. Face-to-face approach was applied in the household interviews. The SF-6D questionnaire was used to assess the measure of utility. Sociodemographics, household income and work status were also evaluated.
The mean score of utility assessed by the SF-6D for the study population was 0.82 (015). The scores were lower for females (0.79), and as age increases, the utility scores progressively decrease. Individuals who reported health problems affecting their work activities presented the lowest scores (0.64).
This study describes the utility scores using the SF-6D, standardized for the Brazilian urban population. These values will be useful for understanding the impact of interventions on health and quality of life in the population, assisting decision-making in the health sector.