High relapse rates following a substance use disorder (SUD) treatment highlight the importance of effective therapies. The mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) program stands as a potentially effective group-based treatment. The present study examines the feasibility and effectiveness of an individualized adaptation of the MBRP (I-MBRP).
The feasibility of the I-MBRP was examined according to eight dimensions: demand, acceptability, implementation, practicality, adaptation, integration, expansion, and effectiveness. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was designed to examine the I-MBRP program’s effectiveness compared to individual relaxation training (I-RT). A sample of 108 Spanish detoxified outpatients in treatment as usual (TAU) treatment (i.e., relapse prevention program) for SUDs were randomized to a TAU + I-MBRP group (n = 54) or TAU + I-RT group (n = 54). Participants completed self-reports measuring substance use, craving, impulsivity, well-being, and mindfulness at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and follow-up at 2 months and 4 months.
I-MBRP was feasible in all domains. The I-MBRP, compared with the I-RT, significantly reduced the frequency of substance use and craving and improved mindfulness skills at the end of treatment. The benefits were maintained at 4 months.
I-MBRP is a feasible program for the SUD treatment as a complementary treatment to TAU interventions and shows potential effects on relapse prevention.