To assess the feasibility of collecting patient-reported outcomes data with wireless touch screen tablet computers in the adult oncology palliative care setting.
Patients were provided with tablet computers during scheduled clinic visits and answered online queries about their experience over the past week in the health domains of anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain interference, physical function, instrumental social support, sleep impairment, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dyspnea, neuropathy, and spiritual values.
Content analysis of patient interviews indicates that wireless touch screen tablet computers are a feasible approach for collecting patient-reported outcome measures by palliative care cancer patients presenting in clinic. Most patients indicated that the questionnaire was easy to answer. However, all but one patient requested some form of assistance, and many reported difficulties attributable to a lack of familiarity with the device, interpretation of certain questions, and wireless connectivity-related issues.
This feasibility study demonstrates that tablet computers have the potential to efficiently and reliably collect patient-reported health status measures among palliative care cancer patients presenting in clinics. The use of these devices may lead to substantial improvements by making patient-reported outcomes available for clinical decision-making.