In the field of substance use (SU) assessment, most measures are face-valid and thus warrant serious concerns over their vulnerability to positive impression management (PIM) in non-disclosing examinees. To address PIM, two specialized measures with validity indicators based on detection strategies were empirically evaluated: (a) the Adult Substance Use Subtle Screening Inventory-4 (SASSI-4) and (b) the Inventory of Drug Use Consequences-2R (InDUC-2R). The current study tested their effectiveness at distinguishing partial SU denial (i.e., acknowledging use but disavowing negative effects) from more general social desirability. The sample of 104 offenders were recruited from a court-mandated substance use treatment program. Relevant sections of Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders, Clinical Version (SCID-5-CV) served as the external diagnostic criterion. Regarding the key results, both the SASSI-4 and InDUC-2R were particularly vulnerable to PIM. In terms of detection, the SASSI-4 DEF scale was generally encouraging for PIM but could not distinguish between the two types of PIM. As a distinct advantage, the Control scale on the InDUC-2R proved moderately effective at specifically identifying partial SU denial. To improve the SASSI-4 PIM classifications, a new strategy-based indicator, response style ratio, was initially validated. These findings are discussed within the context of clinical and forensic consultations.