This prospective study was performed to evaluate the effect of chemotherapy-related neurotoxicity on quality of life (QOL) of patients with lymphoma.
Thirty-two patients with diffuse large B-cell or follicular lymphoma without prior evidence of neuropathy were enrolled. Patients underwent the evaluations based on neuropathy symptom and disability score, nerve conduction studies, and SF-36 questionnaire for QOL assessment. They received six cycles of chemotherapy every three weeks, and all evaluations were repeated during and after the completion of 6th cycle.
Sensory neuropathy-associated symptoms were observed in 27 patients (84.4%), and polyneuropathy was confirmed by nerve conduction study in 14 patients (43.8%). These patients with polyneuropathy showed worse QOL in domains mainly associated with physical health status including “physical function” compared to patients without polyneuropathy. There was a significant association of neuropathy symptom and disability scores with “bodily pain” and “vitality” of QOL domains. The serial evaluations of patients with neuropathy showed a worsening of QOL and neuropathy symptom scores during chemotherapy, then improvement of these values after chemotherapy. Thus, the final nerve conduction study confirmed the decrease in polyneuropathy compared to the 2nd evaluation (P = 0.032).
Chemotherapy-related polyneuropathy may deteriorate QOL of patients with lymphoma, mainly physical health-associated QOL.