The identification of the content of a measure could ensure that the most appropriate measure is chosen to meet a particular objective. Mapping the Impact of Weight on Quality Of Life (IWQOL-Lite) to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) will improve the understanding of its structure and aid in the interpretation of the results.
A mapping exercise was performed by 21 raters using the Delphi technique to identify the ICF codes that best describe the content of the items of the IWQOL-Lite. Both French and English versions were linked to validate the French translation. The results were validated on a sample of 122 participants and were also compared to the mapping performed by another group.
Most of the content of the IWQOL-Lite was identified. All five components of the ICF were represented in the IWQOL-Lite. The mapping differed across languages. The results of the mapping were similar to those obtained by another group.
The content of the IWQOL-Lite is compatible with the ICF. The measure has good content validity. The content could be improved by the addition and the specification of some terms. The French translation of some items should be revised.