Three previous clinical trials have shown that mindfulness-based interventions reduce depressive symptoms and improve quality of life in epilepsy. We conducted a qualitative study to gain more insight into the relevant aspects of mindfulness-based interventions for people with this condition.
We conducted a mindfulness-based intervention of six weekly sessions in seven adults with epilepsy (six pharmaco-resistant). Semi-structured interviews were conducted by phone immediately after the end of the intervention and repeated after 3 months. Preliminary thematic analysis allowed the identification and grouping of themes into main categories. Bottom-up descriptive categories were constructed consistent with the phenomenological paradigm.
Three main areas were explored in the interviews, which lasted on average 30 min: (1) epilepsy-related issues affecting quality of life, (2) seizures and their unpredictability and (3) coping mechanisms. Overall, participants reported that they benefited from the intervention. Participants report that the group supported them in the exchange of experiences, which helped them to re-frame their condition. At the same time, mindfulness exercises encouraged participants to look within in a kind and non-evaluative way. This combination resulted in a new way of accepting and re-integrating the condition. Two new strategies emerged to cope with seizures: accepting and controlling, but without noticeable effect on seizure frequency.
This study contributes to a better understanding of the psychological mechanisms at work in mindfulness-based interventions in the context of epilepsy.