In Gender, Psychology, and Justice: The Mental Health of Women and Girls in the Legal System, editors Corinne C. Datchi and Julie R. Ancis provide an extremely convincing compilation of stories, examples, research, and, importantly, analysis of the existing empirical evidence to highlight the discrepancy that exists in the treatment of male and female offenders, and the injustices and resulting consequences that women and girls face in the adult and juvenile justice systems. The purpose of this book is to outline the problems that women and girls face leading up to, during, and post incarceration—including the negative effects that issues such as poverty, racism, classism, sexism, and numerous other inequalities pose for mental health and well-being—and to make suggestions for necessary improvement for officials involved in the justice system (e.g., judges, officers, psychologists) to ensure the best outcome for women and girls who come into contact with the law. This book, while formulated almost entirely from a feminist perspective, provides a credible understanding and foundation of the unjust circumstances that many women and girls have no choice but to endure as a result of their upbringing and additional life factors that make them who they are. It argues for the need for change—that policies for women and girls in the justice system should not match those for men, and that women and girls need more consideration of their individual circumstances. The editors provide empirical works and personally collected interview data to make an argument—and one crucial for understanding at that—that conditions in the juvenile and adult justice systems for women need great improvement in order to provide for the unique needs of each individual female, with emphasis on their different cultures, races, ages, and personalities. …