Aim of this study was to develop a brief version of the Forensic inpatient Quality of Life questionnaire (FQL).
Data from a longitudinal study of quality of life (QoL) among long-term forensic psychiatric care (LFPC) patients (N = 130) were used. Per domain, the FQL item that correlated most highly with the mean domain score and Overall QoL was selected. Internal consistency was investigated by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. Construct validity was examined by investigating the relationship with the WHOQOL-Bref and EssenCES.
The original division into 15 QoL domains was retained, while the number of items per domain was reduced to one or two. The amount of subjective items was shortened from 114 items to 19 items. Reliability analysis demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = .79). Content validity was assured because the FQL-SV is based on the items of the original FQL that was derived from LFPC patient’s and staff’s opinions. Construct validity was demonstrated.
This study has shown that the FQL-SV is a psychometrically valid abbreviation of the FQL and can therefore be used to monitor or assess QoL in forensic psychiatric care. However, when certain domains should be targeted in treatment, the FQL (full version) can assist both the patient and the clinician to get a more complete view of the individualized targets they should be aiming at in order to improve QoL.