Statistical learning (SL), an implicit learning process to detect and extract regularities, plays a fundamental role in the perception and categorization of environmental inputs (Baldwin et al.,
2008; Fiser & Aslin,
2002; Saffran et al.,
1999). Language contains rich statistical regularities, and SL has been proposed as an important mechanism that underlies typical language acquisition (Romberg & Saffran,
2010). Infants, for example, can segment words in artificial and natural language based on the transitional probabilities between syllables embedded in a continuous stream of speech (Saffran et al.,
1996). Children can map individual sounds to their written forms based on the co-occurrences of phonemes and graphemes (Harm & Seidenberg,
1999) and assign lexical stress to written nonwords based on the probabilistic associations between orthography and stress position in a word (Arciuli et al.,
2010). SL has also been associated with vocabulary knowledge and reading ability in school-age typically-developing (TD) children (Evans et al.,
2009; Qi et al.,
There is growing interest in whether SL plays a role in impaired language (Arciuli & Conway,
2018; Bogaerts et al.,
2020b). Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) exhibit highly variable language abilities (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg,
2001). Only about 75% of autistic children
1 are verbal. Among the verbal autistic children, poorer phonological, grammatical, vocabulary, and reading skills are prevalent with large individual variation (Boucher,
2012; Lindgren et al.,
2009; McGregor et al.,
2012; McIntyre et al.,
2017; Tomblin,
2011), which pose challenges for their academic achievement and adversely impact their social-developmental trajectory (Bal et al.,
2019; Kim et al.,
There remains a gap in our understanding of the origin of the language variability in autism. In particular, we do not yet know how many autistic children, despite deficits of social cognition, still achieve functional and even advanced language (Naigles & Chin,
2015). It has been postulated that language acquisition in this population capitalizes on implicit learning, such as SL, which can occur as a byproduct of mere exposure with minimal social interaction (Naigles,
2016). The presence of language delay/ impairment in autistic children might be a consequence of atypical learning mechanisms including SL (Walenski et al.,
2006). Yet, mixed findings regarding the existence of SL deficits have been reported in individuals with autism (see Obeid et al.,
2016 for meta-analysis; Arciuli,
2017; Saffran,
2018 for reviews). While some studies showed intact SL (e.g., Barnes et al.,
2008; Brown et al.,
2010; Haebig et al.,
2017; Mayo & Eigsti,
2012; Roser et al.,
2015), others have shown atypical SL. Atypical SL is often manifested as slower detection of patterns, lowered accuracies in pattern retrieval, or reduced neural activation to patterns compared to controls (e.g., Arciuli & Paul,
2012; Jeste et al.,
2015; Scott-Van Zeeland et al.,
2010). SL has also been related to verbal IQ and receptive vocabulary in autism (Haebig et al.,
2017; Jeste et al.,
2015; Jones et al.,
2018), while null results using similar assessments have also been documented (Foti et al.,
2014; Jones et al.,
2018; Mayo & Eigsti,
2012). A few common methodological limitations across this body of literature may have contributed to the inconclusive findings: the use of a single task to describe SL abilities, the assumption of developmental invariance, and the limitation of reflection-based (aka offline) learning measures.
SL has been traditionally treated as a uniform skill and represented by tasks in a single sensory modality (visual or auditory) or domain (linguistic or nonlinguistic). As a result, this approach may have contributed to the lack of consensus as to whether SL is impaired in autistic individuals. For example, studies using nonlinguistic visual stimuli (e.g., abstract geometric shapes) found no group differences in SL between ASD and TD groups (Barnes et al.,
2008; Brown et al.,
2010; Nemeth et al.,
2010). However, a study using linguistic visual stimuli (written pseudo-words) reported reduced sensitivity to orthographic regularities in adolescents with ASD (Arciuli & Paul,
2012). In addition, cognitive neuroscience studies investigating SL in children with ASD reported reduced neural responses to statistical patterns embedded in linguistic auditory sequences (Scott-Van Zeeland et al.,
2010) and reduced electrophysiological responses to visual sequences (Jeste et al.,
2015), whereas null findings have been found in behavioral studies using similar stimuli (Brown et al.,
2010; Mayo & Eigsti,
2012). Rather than being inconsistent, these findings raise the possibility that processing capacities for different types of stimuli might cast different degrees of constraints on SL performance in individuals with ASD (see Arciuli,
2017 for a review). Indeed, recent findings in the general population suggested SL performance can be constrained by processing capacity, which varies across sensory modalities. For example, Conway and Christiansen found that neurotypical adults were better at learning temporal statistical patterns embedded in the auditory modality (pure tones) than those embedded in the visual modality (colored shapes) (Conway & Christiansen,
2009). Furthermore, individual performance in auditory linguistic SL tasks where patterns were embedded in streams of syllables showed no correlation with performance in nonlinguistic tasks (Arnon,
2020; Siegelman & Frost,
2015), suggesting learning ability varies not only across, but also within, individuals. Separate processes of learning might underlie SL tasks with different types of stimuli. Taken together, these findings raise concerns about the validity of operationalizing SL using a single task.
Limited understanding of the developmental trajectory of SL may also contribute to the mixed pattern of group differences. Using an auditory linguistic SL task, Saffran et al. exposed participants to a continuous stream of artificial speech stimuli made up of trisyllabic nonsense words (e.g.,
ba-bu-pu). In the speech stream, the syllables within the trisyllabic words always co-occur together, while syllables across word boundaries co-occur with a much lower transitional probability. They found that 6- and 7-year-old TD children performed similarly as adults and were able to learn the trisyllabic words and distinguish them from nonsense words that never occurred in the artificial speech (Saffran et al.,
1997). Recent reports demonstrated consistent patterns that children 6.5 to 12 showed better than chance-level SL performance in the linguistic domain, with no correlation between age and performance (Raviv & Arnon,
2018). In contrast, SL in the nonlinguistic domain improved with age between 5 to 12 years-old in TD children (Arciuli & Simpson,
2011; Raviv & Arnon,
2018; Shufaniya & Arnon,
2018). In children with ASD, understanding of how SL changes across development is even more limited. One study reveals an age effect on SL across ASD and TD (Jeste et al.,
2015), while others reported a lack of age effect in the ASD group (Jones et al.,
2018; Mayo & Eigsti,
2012). These mixed findings may reflect true differences in the developmental trajectories between different types of SL in children with ASD. Yet, substantial differences in task designs and age ranges necessitate a systematic investigation on the development of SL using a paradigm that combines similar tasks across sensory modalities and linguistic vs. nonlinguistic domains. Furthermore, how SL performance in autistic children compare to TD children across development remains unclear. Recent findings in adults support a relationship between prior linguistic experience and SL learning outcomes. Prior language experience has been shown to facilitate learners’ SL ability in the linguistic domain when items to be learned are similar to or consistent with one’s familiar natural language (Elazar et al.,
2022; Perfors & Kidd,
2022; Siegelman et al.,
2018a; Trecca et al.,
2019). Moreover, adults’ ability to learn trisyllabic nonsense words in artificial speech has been associated with greater sensitivity to high-frequency trigrams in natural language (Isbilen et al.,
2022). Ample evidence in TD infants has also shown that prior experience affects SL learning outcomes (see Saffran & Kirkham,
2018 for a review). Infants can learn combinatorial patterns of familiar stimuli, such as pictures of dogs and cats or syllables, but not when the stimuli were unfamiliar nonlinguistic tones or timbres (Marcus et al.,
2007; Saffran et al.,
2007). When infants are exposed to individual nonsense words prior to listening to an artificial speech stream, the prior experience with individual nonsense words only facilitated SL when the individual nonsense words matched the patterns in the artificial speech stream, but not when they were mismatched (Lew-Williams & Saffran,
2012; Saffran & Thiessen,
2003). As the amount of linguistic experience increases with age in children, familiarity with linguistic inputs and language proficiency are expected to increase across development, which might in turn facilitate SL in the linguistic domain. Yet, autistic children’s difficulties in processing and using language, in turn, may result in reduced language experience that leads to less robust SL from linguistic inputs. Linguistic SL skills thus may show distinct developmental trajectories between TD and autistic children. Yet, the hypothesis that linguistic SL develops differently in TD and autistic children has not received empirical support.
Finally, recent psychometric scrutiny of SL performance measures advocates for direct measures of the learning process. The traditional two-alternative forced choice (2-AFC) task, despite being a robust measure to determine whether learning occurred at the group level, does not produce high test–retest reliability within individuals, especially in developmental research (Arnon,
2020). This task requires children to explicitly reflect on the learned information after extensive repetitions of the stimuli and therefore may only reflect perceptual preference as a learning outcome (Siegelman et al.,
2017). In contrast, reaction time during the familiarization phase of a SL task measures automaticity during the learning process (Batterink,
2017; Turk-Browne et al.,
2005), while exerting relatively little cognitive demand on participants. Reaction time was found to be related to post-learning 2AFC accuracy (Qi et al.,
2019; Siegelman et al.,
2018b), yielding high test–retest reliability in adults (Siegelman et al.,
2018b) and modest-to-high split-half reliability in school-aged children (Zinszer et al.,
2022). Therefore, a combination of reflection-based and process-based measures of SL are necessary for us to compare both the learning outcomes and the learning rate between groups.
These concerns have limited our understanding of SL and its relationship with language in both typical and autistic children. In TD children, whether such a relationship can be observed empirically depends on the type of SL tasks, the age range of participants, and the construct of interest in the language domain (e.g., Bogaerts et al.,
2020a; Kidd & Arciuli,
2016; Lany et al.,
2018; Qi et al.,
2019). In children with ASD, similarly divergent findings have been reported in a much smaller body of literature. Both a positive correlation and null findings between SL and vocabulary abilities were found in children with ASD (Haebig et al.,
2017; Mayo & Eigsti,
2012; Scott-Van Zeeland et al.,
2010). Therefore, a systematic examination of the associations between language and SL across domains and modalities is needed for understanding the role of SL in the language development of autism.
Current Study
The current study aims to understand the relationship between language and SL by systematically comparing SL profiles in school-aged children with ASD to TD children across modalities and domains, while addressing several common methodological limitations in previous literature. Four child-friendly web-based SL tasks (Schneider et al.,
2020), each containing auditory linguistic (Syllable), auditory nonlinguistic (Tone), visual linguistic (Letter), or visual nonlinguistic (Image) stimuli, adopt a similar design of the familiarization and test phases as seen in commonly used triplet-learning paradigms (Arciuli & Simpson,
2011; Saffran et al.,
1999). We assess SL performance through both the acceleration of reaction time (RT) during the familiarization phase and through offline accuracy in the two-alternative forced choice (2-AFC) test phase.
Due to the atypical language profiles often observed in children with ASD, we hypothesize a particular difficulty with linguistic SL in the ASD group. Furthermore, to investigate the relationships between SL and language development, we examine how SL performance varies across parental-rated language levels, across individual language skills measured by Redmond Sentence Recall, and across developmental stages. We hypothesize that only linguistic SL performance will be associated with language skills. The diagnostic group effect will become more evident in older children only for linguistic SL but not for nonlinguistic SL, as children’s familiarity towards syllables and letters grow with their language experiences throughout the school years, while their familiarity towards image and tone sequences in the experiment should not vary across age.
The current study systematically compared SL between TD children and autistic children across visual and auditory modalities, as well as across linguistic and nonlinguistic domains. Autistic children showed weaknesses in linguistic SL (Syllable and Letter tasks), reflected as slower online learning, poorer offline pattern retrieval, and poorer overall learning performance (measured by composite scores). However, children with autism exhibited comparable performance in nonlinguistic SL (Image and Tone tasks) as their TD peers. The specific weaknesses in linguistic SL appear to be more evident in older children than in younger children with autism. Linguistic SL was further associated with parental subjective ratings of overall language levels in autistic children as well as with standard scores resulting from a standardized language assessment completed by a subgroup of autistic children.
Our findings highlight the asymmetry between linguistic and nonlinguistic SL in children with autism. These results are in concert with most recent theoretical frameworks of SL that emphasize the stimuli-specific computations which operate alongside domain-general learning principals (e.g., Conway,
2020; Frost et al.,
2015). Ample empirical evidence in earlier implicit statistical learning literature has demonstrated independent statistical learning systems across auditory and visual sensory modalities (Conway & Christiansen,
2006; Emberson et al.,
2011). The asymmetry and dissociation between linguistic and nonlinguistic SL behavior found in our ASD group further support this view and highlight the operation of stimuli-specific constraints on SL. However, it remains unknown which stages of learning are disrupted in SL in children with autism and why they are specific for the linguistic domain.
Recent theoretical frameworks of SL posit that the learning of statistical information is comprised of multiple stages, including the encoding of individual stimuli from a continuous stream of input, the binding of individual stimuli into word-like units, as well as the storing of these representations for later retrieval (Batterink & Paller,
2017; Bogaerts et al.,
2016; Frost et al.,
2015). In children with autism, one potential stage of learning that may be disrupted more in linguistic compared to nonlinguistic SL is the initial perceptual processing stage where individual stimuli are encoded from sequential inputs. Existing behavioral research has indicated that children with autism show specific difficulties in processing auditory linguistic input as manifested in reduced orientation to speech, such as human voice and child-directed speech, compared to non-speech sounds (Dawson et al.,
2004; Kuhl et al.,
2005; see O’Connor,
2012 for a review). Neurophysiological data also suggest more diminished neural responses to speech syllables during passive listening in autistic children compared to TD controls (Jansson-Verkasalo et al.,
2003; Russo et al.,
2009). One prominent theory is the neural complexity hypothesis, which posits that children with autism exhibit more salient difficulties in processing complex over simple auditory and visual stimuli (Bertone et al.,
2005; Mottron et al.,
2006; Samson et al.,
2006). Speech sounds, for example, contain greater spectro-temporal complexity compared to pure tones, thus reduced sensitivity to speech sounds in children with autism may impact learning in the syllable SL task. In our study, however, we found little evidence in the disadvantage of sensitivity across the linguistic and nonlinguistic domains in children with autism. Children’s accuracy in target detection based on their
A’ scores did not affect the group differences in RT slopes or the interaction between group and domain. One possibility is that the target detection task we adopted is not sensitive enough to capture children’s baseline orientation or sensitivity to linguistic versus nonlinguistic stimuli. Future studies including tasks comparing the complexity of auditory and visual stimuli are necessary to delineate the role of perceptual processing in SL.
Another plausible cause for the difficulties in SL may lie at the higher level of statistical learning where the binding of individual stimuli and computations of the relationships between stimuli must occur for the extraction of statistical regularities in the inputs. In neurotypical adults, the ability to seek out and track probabilistic relationships between individual stimuli were found to predict SL performance (Batterink & Paller,
2017). In school-aged children with ASD, however, reduced neural sensitivity to statistical regularities embedded in verbal stimuli has been reported using a syllable SL task (Scott-Van Zeeland et al.,
2010). In this study, children were listening passively to syllable streams containing embedded triplet structures versus those containing random sequences. Unlike TD children who showed greater brain activation in response to the structured than random sequences, autistic children showed no difference between the two conditions. In our study, despite the evident difficulties in the ASD group measured by composite linguistic SL scores, the group differences in the two linguistic SL tasks appear at different phases of the SL tasks. Children with ASD showed poorer retrieval of triplets after learning in both the Letter and Syllable SL tasks, and also showed slower target detection during learning in the Letter SL task. Slower target detection during learning may stem from difficulties with encoding and binding linguistic stimuli, computing probabilistic relationships, or learning the predictive parings between stimuli (Cannon et al.,
2021). This less robust learning process leads to a weaker representation and poorer retrieval of statistical regularities from memory. The neural networks that underlie these difficulties may be impacted, such as the lower- or higher-level visual and auditory networks supporting the stimulus-specific processing mechanisms or the medial-temporal lobe supporting domain-general memory systems (Frost et al.,
2015; Schapiro et al.,
2014). Although the current study cannot distinguish between these accounts or pin down the underlying cause of atypical linguistic SL in children with ASD, future studies can address the gap by examining the neural profiles of SL in ASD.
In addition to the specific differences in linguistic SL tasks, children with ASD also showed poorer retrieval of triplets in the Image SL task compared to TD children, while both groups showed a lack of acceleration during online image target detection. The lack of group-level acceleration might be explained by the large individual differences in both SL and perceptual acuity. But importantly, there was no apparent disadvantage of image SL in ASD as measured by online RT slope. The reduced 2AFC accuracy in ASD may indicate a pronounced difficulty in this post-learning task that requires the retrieval of image patterns. Prior work that examined children’s sensitivity to transitional probabilities in a nonlinguistic visual SL task also found reduced attention and visual discrimination to pairs of shapes in the post-learning test phase in young children with ASD compared to TD peers (Jeste et al.,
2015). Retrieving image patterns may tax visual working memory. Individuals with ASD have been found to show atypical visual working memory (Baum et al.,
2015; Funabiki & Shiwa,
2018; Stevenson et al.,
2021). Whether differences in visual working memory can explain the reduced 2AFC accuracy after image SL in autism would require further investigation.
Lastly, our findings support the reciprocal relationship between language experiences and language learning. Enriched language experiences facilitate linguistic SL in adults (Potter et al.,
2017; Siegelman et al.,
2018a; Wang & Saffran,
2014). In children, we found a significantly stronger correlation between children’s performance in the two linguistic SL tasks in the TD group than that in the ASD group. This may suggest the learning of statistical regularities embedded in speech and written language are meaningfully coupled in typical development while showing a disassociation in children with autism. This coupling of linguistic SL in the TD group might be explained by the commonly observed mutual development of phonological and decoding skills in school-aged TD children (see Hulme & Snowling,
2014 for a review), while the weaker correlation in the ASD group might be explained by the disassociation between oral language and reading skills in children with ASD (Macdonald et al.,
2021; Smith Gabig,
2010). However, the current study cannot determine the causal relationship between language experience and learning. Whether the mutual development of spoken and written language supports the association in linguistic SL or vice versa warrants further investigations. Furthermore, we found a significantly larger diagnostic group difference in linguistic SL compared to nonlinguistic SL in the older children. Our findings suggest a potentially exacerbating difficulty in linguistic SL in older children compared to younger children with ASD. The larger gap between ASD and TD groups in linguistic SL found only in older children but not in younger children is consistent with previous findings that demonstrated the impact of prior language experience on linguistic SL (Saffran & Kirkham,
2018). Older TD children may have greater language experience compared to age-matched children with ASD, and the enlarged gap in language experience throughout development may exacerbate the difficulty in linguistic SL observed in older children with ASD. Longitudinal datasets will be indispensable to unravel the causal relationship between language experience and linguistic SL development.
The reciprocal relationship between language and linguistic SL was further strengthened by the association between sentence recall scores and linguistic SL composite scores. The significant associations found between language skills measured by the sentence recall task and linguistic SL, Letter, and Syllable SL tasks in the ASD group may imply the contribution of SL to language. Our findings are consistent with the significant correlations between word segmentation performance and language skills reported in Haebig et al. (
2017), where language skills were measured by Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (PPVT-4; Dunn & Dunn,
2007) and the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fudamentals-4 (CELF-4; Semel et al.,
2003) core language scores. While the current dataset serves as a promising first step implicating the potential value of linguistic SL in characterizing children’s language learning profiles, rigorous psychometric evaluations are important to further validate the composite score as a reliable individual difference measure across typical and atypical development. Our findings also measured only concurrent language skills with one standardized language assessment. Given the large heterogeneity across different constructs of language in autism, future longitudinal research are necessary to verify whether SL has cascading effects on all domains of language development and whether different types of language experience, in turn, lead to differences in linguistic SL.
Our findings also suggest a parallel impact of autism on linguistic SL that might be separate from the interplay between language skills and linguistic SL. Using the parental report of language levels, we found the subgroup of autistic children with at/above-age language outperformed the subgroup with below-age language specifically in the linguistic SL tasks, implicating linguistic SL is perhaps a relevant indicator of language phenotypes in autism (Lucas & Norbury,
2014; McGregor et al.,
2012; Norbury,
2014). Importantly, we also found children with ASD across language levels showed poorer lingusitic SL than TD children, suggesting autism, in addition to language skills, might be associated with the ability to learn probabilistic and predictive relationships between inputs (Cannon et al.,
2021; Sinha et al.,
2014). This finding emphasizes that multiple causes might underlie the differences observed in linguistic SL between the TD and ASD groups. However, it is important to point out that, while the subgroup of autistic children with at/above-age language had higher sentence recall scores than the subgroup with below-age language, parental report of language levels may still be a coarse measure of overall language skills. Future investigations including a sample of autistic children with typical language as well as non-autistic children with atypical language measured by a comprehensive battery of language assessments will be needed to elucidate the relationships between autism, language, and SL.
In sum, children with autism exhibit specific differences in linguistic SL and such differences might be attributed to a more pronounced difficulty in perceptual processing of linguistic than nonlinguistic stimuli, reduced sensitivity to statistical regularities, or an exacerbating gap in linguistic experiences across development. These findings highlight the potential role of linguistic SL in the characterization of language development in autism and provide important clinical implications for remediating language impairment in children with autism. The current study only measured language skills using parental ratings and one standardized language asssessment. Future studies including more comprehensive language measures would be needed to examine whether SL contributes differentially to different aspects of language. If SL and some aspect of language develop in a virtuous cycle—that is, SL can facilitate language learning, and language can in turn support SL—then linguistic SL might serve as an intervention tool to prevent the snowballing process for atypical language development in autism. Behavioral research has suggested that SL might be malleable. For example, infants with prior exposure to distributional information in speech, such as adjacent co-occurrence patterns and prosodic cues, were more likely to learn novel and more complex statistical patterns from subsequent speech than those without prior exposure (Lany & Gómez,
2008; Thiessen & Saffran,
2007). Further studies investigating the malleability of SL within individuals and determining which SL processes might be sensitive to intervention and cascade into improved language learning will enable us to develop novel effective interventions for autistic children.