Children who witness intimate partner violence (IPV) develop posttraumatic stress disorder at alarmingly high rates. Research suggests that caregivers’ symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTSS) often co-occur alongside children’s PTSS, a phenomenon termed “relational posttraumatic stress.” The goal of this study is to use dyad-centered analyses to examine heterogeneity in relational PTSS presentations in mother–child dyads, and to determine factors differentiating relational PTSS profiles. Data were drawn from a sample of 231 IPV-exposed, ethno-racially diverse mother–child dyads, with children ranging from ages 4 to 12. The results of a latent profile analysis indicated that a two-profile model was the best fit with the data. Both profiles indicated similar levels of PTSS across the dyad; however, they differed in overall symptom severity. Parenting and IPV severity significantly predicted profile membership; however, age did not. Results suggest that similarities in PTSS presentation should be expected in mother–child dyads, at least in families who experience IPV.