Reijntjes, A., Stegge, H., Meerum Terwogt, M., Kamphuis, J. H., & Telch, M. J. (2006).Emotion-regulation in pre-adolescent children: the role of depressive symptoms, Kind en Adolescent, 27 (4), 216-232
This article discusses two recent studies that examine the role of depressive symptoms in pre-adolescent children’s emotion-regulation (10 to 13 years of age). In the first study, written vignettes depicting hypothetical negative emotion-eliciting events served as the stimulus materials. In the second study, we assessed the role of depressive symptoms in qualifying children’s online emotion-regulation, subsequent to being faced with an experimentally manipulated in vivo emotion-eliciting event: peer rejection in real time. We examined the relationship between the two assessment approaches with regard to the role of depressive symptoms. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.