Thwarted belongingness is an established predictor of suicide ideation. Emerging theory suggests belongingness may be a crucial pathway through which risk factors such as dysfunctional emotion regulation influence suicide ideation. This study examined whether belongingness mediated the relationship between emotion regulation and suicide ideation in young people (16–25 years). Participants (n = 1699; 63.6% females, M = 20.24 years, SD = 2.45 years) completed measures of these constructs, including the emotion regulation domains of internal-functional, internal-dysfunctional, external-functional, and external-dysfunctional. Belongingness mediated over half of the association between three emotion regulation domains and suicide ideation (internal-functional: 55.6%, internal-dysfunctional: 54.1%, and external-functional: 64.8%). Consistent with current etiological suicidality models, results suggest low belongingness is an important precursor to suicide ideation in young people, and that there is an inter-relationship between emotional regulation styles and belongingness.