A high-quality primary care clinic should provide clear action points and important care coordination for a child receiving a new diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Unfortunately, a substantial proportion of caregivers report little-to-no post-diagnosis support from their home clinics and primary care providers often report lack of training and resources in providing these supports.
We implemented an intervention package to investigate the impact on the frequency and quality of follow-up care for children with ASD in a busy, high-volume resident continuity clinic. The package consisted of a care coordination scheduling pathway and a standardized clinical template—embedded in the electronic health record (EHR)—that guided providers through best-practice recommendations and patient resources.
As a result of these interventions, 74% of patients had ASD-specific follow-up, a more than threefold increase from baseline with a majority of providers using the EHR-embedded template to guide their visit. Providers also indicated a high degree of usability for the system and that it aided them in following best-practice guidelines for ASD care.
Through explicit scheduling pathways and a novel EHR template, we saw a significant increase in ASD-specific follow-up visits and implementation of best practices for ASD care, demonstrating a new process for training and engaging primary care providers in clear action steps for post-diagnostic care without having to rely on tertiary referrals.