The 4-item index of the 19-item Acne-Quality of Life (Acne-QoL) has been validated in English (AcneQ4). French translation and linguistic validation of the Acne-QoL have recently been completed (Acne-QoLfr).
This study sought to evaluate reliability and responsivity of the French version of the AcneQ4 (AcneQ4fr).
Calculation of intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and regression modeling was performed to evaluate reliability (comparing Day 0 to Day 2–3 responses) and responsivity (comparing Day 0 to Day 60+ responses).
Thirty-four native French-speaking acne subjects in Quebec, Canada (n = 20) and France (n = 14) completed the Acne-QoLfr on 3 occasions over 3 months (Day 0, Day 2–3, and Day 60+). Of 14 completed responses for Day 0 and Day 2–3, ICC for AcneQ4fr was 0.73 (with 95 % confidence interval (0.348, 0.905) and P value 0.001), and mean score difference was 0.85 (range of possible scores for AcneQ4fr: 0–24; P = 0.41). Of 19 completed responses for Day 0 and Day 60+, ICC for Acne-Q4fr was 0.45 (with 95 % confidence interval (0.046, 0.728) and P value 0.015) and mean score difference was 4.14 (P = 0.001).
The abbreviated AcneQ4fr is somewhat reflective of the entire Acne-QoLfr and by its brevity may facilitate psychometric evaluation of francophone acne patients in routine practice.