The purpose of this study was to ascertain elementary schoolteachers’ perceptions of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in northern Jordan. This study utilized a descriptive cross-sectional research design using a self-reporting questionnaire to gather data from elementary schoolteachers in northern Jordan from February to June 2019. The results indicate that elementary schoolteachers in northern Jordan have negative perceptions regarding ADHD and its causes, treatment, and diagnosis. The lack of professional pre-service training and education about children’s behavioral problems overall, but especially regarding ADHD knowledge and management of children with ADHD was found to be deficient among our sample of elementary schoolteachers. The pronounced lack of research on teacher management of ADHD in children in Jordan may have contributed to these findings. Structured educational and training programs addressing children with ADHD should be implemented to enhance teachers’ knowledge about ADHD and to improve their role in helping the affected children and their families.