Psychological research has long focused on assessing the negative and dark triad sides of human nature while the positive aspect has been understudied. The Light Triad Scale presents a measure to assess the positive or light side of people. The aim of this study was to adapt and investigate the psychometric properties of an Arabic version of the Light Triad Scale. A sample of 823 respondents (73.6% females and 26.4% males, mean age = 26.4, SD = 8.2, range = 14–63) participated in this study. They completed the Arabic version of the Light Triad Scale, the Dirty Dozen Scale, and a set of demographic questions. Exploratory factor analysis, concurrent validity, measurement invariance, item response theory, and reliability analysis were used to validate the scale. Exploratory factor analysis and the Minimum Average Partial (MAP) suggested a three-factor model similar to the original study. Concurrent validity, and internal consistency reliability were supported with moderate Pearson and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. The study emphasizes that the Arabic version of the Light Triad Scale is valid and reliable to be used in research and practice.