This study examined the impact of clinical and family related factors on adolescent revolving door (RD) phenomenon, defined as having three or more psychiatric hospitalizations before the age of 18. A clinical sample of adolescents (N = 508) aged 13–17 years, admitted to psychiatric inpatient care between April 2001 through March 2006, were interviewed using the k-SADS-PL and the EuropASI instruments. The national Finnish Care Register for Health Care provided life-time data on child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient hospitalizations. RD boys were shown to be significantly more likely than non-RD boys to be admitted to psychiatric inpatient care from child welfare placements and have previous self-mutilative behavior (SMB) and suicide attempts. RD girls were more likely to come from child welfare placements, have unemployed mothers and a history of SMB. Mortality in RD boys was significantly higher compared to non-RD boys. Frequent use of psychiatric inpatient care warrants comprehensive assessment of suicidal behavior in adolescents.