The ability to accurately decode facial emotions is important for adaptive social behaviors, emotional development, and well-being [
2]. Recognition of facial expressions begins in infancy and by middle childhood humans are capable of recognizing six basic facial expressions of emotion: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise [
3]. Developmental studies indicate that accuracy and speed in recognizing facial affect improve from childhood through early adulthood, plausibly due to maturation of brain structures associated with facial emotion processing and social experiential factors [
5]. Individual differences in the ability to detect facial emotions accurately have been documented, especially for complex emotions such as fear and anger. Twin studies suggest that genetic and environmental influences likely account for individual differences in processing facial affect [
8]. Although the role of specific genes and mechanisms are largely unknown, available molecular genetic data has linked facial affect processing with genes encoding neurotransmitter receptors, such catecholamine and serotonin receptors [
Impaired facial emotion processing has been observed in children and adolescents with a wide range of psychological problems including anxiety disorders [
15]. Studies using facial identification tasks report that anxiety disordered youth are less accurate in recognizing facial expressions than non-anxious controls. Specifically, anxious youth make more errors in recognizing negative valence faces [
20] or mislabel positive or neutral emotions [
21]. Similarly, children with high trait anxiety have been found to make more errors recognizing negative valence faces than children with low trait anxiety [
22]. Neuroimaging findings suggest that these deficits may be attributed to dysregulation of corticolimbic brain circuits [
27], which are most often associated with the evaluation of facial expressions [
29]. Other studies, however, report that affect identification sensitivity is intact and unimpaired in anxious youth [
35]. Inconsistent findings are likely attributed to differences in study population, sample size, medication use, and test design including range and intensity of facial stimuli used and exposure duration.
Little is currently known about whether impaired facial affect processing is a premorbid trait marker of anxiety disorder risk or a consequence of anxiety. Preliminary research with individuals at genetic risk for diverse psychiatric disorders suggests these deficits reflect a marker of liability to psychopathology. For example, unaffected first-degree relatives of probands with bipolar disorder [
36], schizophrenia [
37], and depression [
38] have been found to exhibit deficits in labelling facial expressions compared to low-risk controls. Research on facial affect processing in relatives of probands with anxiety disorders is sparse. Pine et al. [
39] investigated sensitivity and attention allocation to face photographs in offspring with and without parental panic disorder (PD) and found high-risk children to report more fear and longer latency to report fear during presentations of negative valence facial expressions than low-risk controls. However, as roughly half of the high-risk children had an anxiety disorder, it is unclear to what extent this sensitivity reflects a state or trait marker of anxiety. Nevertheless, this study does suggest that facial affect processing might be a promising mechanism for understanding the reported link between parental PD and elevated risk for the disorder in offspring [
The aim of the present study was to further explore facial affect processing in offspring with parental PD. We investigated psychiatrically healthy children in order to avoid the confounding effects of child psychopathology on outcome. Based on findings that patients with PD exhibit deficits in recognizing negative valence facial affect [
43], especially threat-related expressions (i.e., anger and fear) which are postulated to signal threat in the environment via activation of the amygdala [
29], we examined whether high-risk offspring would also exhibit deficits in recognizing threat-related emotions relative to low-risk controls. Further, based on findings by Pine and colleagues [
39], we determined whether high-risk offspring would also report higher levels of subjective anxiety while viewing negative facial expressions of emotions than the control children. As sex can influence the accuracy of emotion recognition [
3] and is a risk factor for PD [
44], we also explored the interaction between risk group and sex on response to the facial recognition task. Additionally, the study controlled for the effect of anxious traits as they too may moderate response to facial affect processing tasks [
To our knowledge this is the first study to assess facial affect recognition in unaffected offspring with parental PD. The results indicate that HR children exhibit deficits in recognizing specific negative valence emotions, whereas recognition of positive and neutral affect appears to be intact. As predicted, HR children made more errors decoding fearful faces than LR controls. This finding is consistent with studies demonstrating that anxious youth [
20] and adult patients with PD [
43] exhibit deficits in recognizing threat-related facial expressions such as anger and fear. Further analysis indicated that HR children mislabeled angry and fearful faces as surprised, although the significance of this finding is unclear as surprised is an ambiguous facial expression that allows for either positive or negative interpretations [
56]. However, recent research by Tottenham et al. [
57] revealed that children and adolescents typically show a negative bias when viewing surprised faces compared to adults, and that confusion between angry, fearful, and surprised faces in youth is likely due to a negative interpretation of surprised faces rather than perceptual similarity. This would suggest that our HR children exhibited a negative bias when they mislabeled anger and fear as surprised, although we cannot exclude the possibility that these emotions were also misperceived as a positive valence affect.
Our data also showed a significant difference between PD risk groups in the capacity to discriminate sad faces based on gender. Specifically, HR females made more errors in identifying sad affect than LR females and misperceived sadness as fear. Adult PD patients have also been reported to have lower accuracy in recognizing sad affect and this pattern of error correlates with severity of depressive symptoms [
41]. This finding is not surprising as many of the brain structures involved in the processing of sad and fearful facial affect overlap [
58]. Individuals at risk for depression are faster at recognizing fearful faces than LR controls [
59] and brain imaging studies have found youth at familial risk for depression to show greater amygdala activation in response to fearful facial expressions than LR controls [
15]. Children with a history of major depression show perturbed encoding of fearful faces [
60] and depressed girls exhibit a blunted amygdala response to fearful faces compared anxious and healthy control girls [
23]. A blunted amygdala response to fearful faces has also been observed in medicated adults with PD and is thought to reflect a compensatory response to amygdala hyperreactivity to threat-related stimuli [
61]. Considering that panic attacks, PD and depression are highly comorbid [
62], it is possible that deficits in recognizing sad facial affect is a vulnerability marker of risk for depression in females with parental PD. This question merits further empirical research.
We could not confirm our hypothesis that HR children would also experience more subjective anxiety while viewing facial affects compared to control children. Although Pine et al. [
39] reported that offspring at risk for PD experienced more fear while viewing evocative facial affect than LR offspring, their HR sample included symptomatic children which may have confounded findings. Unlike Pine et al.’s study we did not measure reaction time for rating facial affect and cannot exclude the possibility that our unaffected HR children would have exhibited a slower reaction time for rating negative valence emotions than controls. We also measured subjective anxiety in the final block of face presentations and differences between risk groups may have emerged if we obtained anxiety ratings during additional blocks of face presentations. Nevertheless, in contrast to LR children, HR children exhibited a moderate and significant positive correlation between self-report anxiety and errors recognizing fearful affect, suggesting that viewing this emotion evoked heightened emotional reactivity in these children.
The facial recognition task is purported to provide a window into the functioning of the amygdala [
39]. Dysregulation of the amygdala has been implicated in both the pathophysiology of PD [
63] and impaired face-emotion processing in anxious and anxiety-prone individuals [
64]. We are unaware of any published neuroimaging studies of facial affect recognition in unaffected offspring at familial risk for panic or other anxiety disorders. This type of research is needed to map brain networks involved in the processing of facial affect in these vulnerable individuals. Prospective neuroimaging studies are also needed to investigate whether face processing brain networks in unaffected at-risk offspring are stable or change over time due to maturation or other processes, such as exposure to negative life events which often precipitate onset of panic attacks [
66] or the emergence of subsyndromal symptoms of pathological anxiety. Such research holds promise to advance our understanding of the trajectory of PD risk and course of illness, and elucidate whether alterations in brain networks presumed to be involved in facial affect processing are a general trait marker of risk or secondary to anxiety states.
Overall, our data concur with reports that deficits in emotion recognition may have a familial component [
38]. PD aggregates in families [
67] with heritability estimated at 40 % [
67]. Although many genetic polymorphisms have been tested in association studies the genetic basis for PD is largely unknown [
68]. A more recent focus in genetic research of PD has been to discover heritable trait markers of disorder vulnerability. Our preliminary data suggest that deficits in processing fearful and sad affect may be a potential trait marker, although more research is needed to replicate findings and establish if these deficits meet criteria for an endophenotype. From a genetic perspective, there is supportive evidence the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) may play a role in the processing of fearful facial affect. Young children with the short allele of the 5-HTT gene have been reported to be less accurate in recognizing fearful faces but not other facial affect than children with the long allele [
69]. In a study of undergraduate students, short allele carriers of the 5-HTT gene were more accurate in recognizing fearful affect but less accurate in recognizing happy affect than long allele carriers [
10]. The differential impact of the 5-HTT gene on recognizing fearful faces in children versus young adults possibly reflects developmental changes whereby deficits transition from poor identification to hypervigilance. Several imaging genetic studies have also shown that variation of the 5-HTT gene confers heightened amygdala reactivity to threatening facial emotions [
72]. It would be worthwhile for future research to determine if the 5-HTT gene and other candidate genes associated with PD risk confer deficits in facial affect recognition in unaffected offspring with parental PD.
In addition to genetic influences it is important to consider the influence of family environment in shaping children’s emotion recognition skills. There is emerging evidence that parenting style and parent–child attachment can influence a child’s ability to accurately recognize and interpret emotional cues [
75]. As parents with PD have been reported in some studies to have a rejecting and overprotective parenting style [
77], it is plausible that negative parenting mediates the relationship between parental PD and impaired facial affect recognition in offspring. Parental displays of negative emotions, especially anger and criticism, have also been associated with impaired processing of facial affect in children [
79]. While no study to date has examined the impact of parental expressions of anxiety on children’s facial affect perception skills, parental modeling of anxious behaviour and cognitions has been reported to have discernable effects on children’s perception of threat [
81]. In addition to parental displays of emotions, parental masking of emotions can potentially influence how children learn to recognize emotional faces. Parents who believe emotions are dangerous tend to mask emotional expressions, perhaps in an attempt to shield their child from observing negative emotionality [
82]. As patients with PD have negative beliefs about the consequences of anxiety, it is possible that some parents with the disorder suppress emotional expressions of fear in the presence of their children. Although the precise mechanisms are unknown, parental masking of fear could influence how offspring process threat-related facial stimuli. Considering that parents play a pivotal role in their child’s emotional socialization, additional research is needed to clarify the role of family environment on facial affect perception in children with parental PD.
While this study has significant strengths related to the recruitment of psychological healthy offspring of parents with SCID confirmed PD, limitations should be acknowledged. First, the sample size is relatively small and we may not have had sufficient power to detect other differences in facial affect recognition or anxiety ratings while viewing negative valence faces. Second, families were recruited via advertisement and therefore self-selected themselves into the study, limiting generalizability of findings. Third, this study is cross-sectional and we cannot confirm that deficits in facial recognition predict risk for onset of pathological anxiety. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether deficits are more common in HR offspring who eventually develop symptoms of anxiety versus those who do not. Fourth, while failure to identify facial expressions correctly is believed to serve as a risk marker for social maladjustment, we did not examine whether performance on the facial recognition task correlates with impaired social interactions. Given that onset of PD has been linked with interpersonal stressors [
83] and that many anxiety disordered patients report relational difficulties [
84], further work should investigate whether impaired performance on facial cognitive tasks in HR children correlates with problematic processing of social cues in real life social interactions. Fifth, the age range of our sample was relatively broad and it is possible that developmental differences in face-emotion processing influenced outcome. However, as the correlation coefficients between age and number of facial recognition errors were small, it is unlikely that age was a significant predictor of response to the facial recognition task. Another study limitation is that our HR group comprised predominately Caucasian children and high- and low-risk children were not matched on ethnicity. A more ethnically diverse sample may have yielded different results. Finally, we used standard pictures of facial affect of Caucasian posers. It is possible that low intensity emotional expressions, morphed facial expressions and faces from different ethnicities would reveal more subtle differences between risk groups.