Human trafficking, specifically of adolescents, is still a prevalent issue that is occurring both nationally and internationally. The occurrence of human trafficking is not a new issue yet there is still a lack of research and awareness of it.
Preventing Child Trafficking by Todres and Diaz (
2019) examine what human trafficking entails and responses that need to be taken on the issue. The authors address ways that evidence-based research would be beneficial in preventing human trafficking and the methods that should be implemented. Issues raised in this book are intended for the general public, medical professionals, legislatures, and researchers. The information presented is intended to bring awareness to aid combatting human trafficking. There are two major forms of human trafficking that often exploit adolescents. The forms are typically sex trafficking, where the adolescent is exploited for sexual interactions, or labor trafficking, which is often a result of improper or extreme work demands. Todres and Diaz provide information on how children become vulnerable to human trafficking and the physical and/or mental consequences victims and survivors are faced with as a result. Additionally, identification and intervention methods are explained as these methods aid in prevention and in decreasing the number of adolescents who are trafficked. The consequences of human trafficking can be detrimental to adolescents especially during the time of critical developmental stages. When adolescents are faced with harmful experiences, they are likely to be affected in multiple aspects of their lives such as relationship groups and education. Todres and Diaz provide information on the aspects of human trafficking before and after the occurrence. …