In an effort to improve patient conceptualization and targeted treatment, researchers have sought to accurately classify OCD subtypes. To date, the most common form of OCD classification has used the content of symptom topography as opposed to functional links between symptoms to categorize OCD. The aim of the current study was to explore the associations between these two forms of OCD classification. Participant topographical symptoms were self-reported using the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Child Version (OCI-CV). Clinicians assessed whether participant symptoms were motivated by harm avoidance and/or incompleteness. Structural equation modeling was employed to explore the associations between harm avoidance and incompleteness and symptom dimensions in youth with OCD. Results showed that harm avoidance was significantly associated with doubting/checking, obsessing, and neutralizing symptoms, whereas incompleteness was associated with doubting/checking, ordering, and neutralizing symptoms. Findings are consistent with child and adult literature and highlight the importance of assessing the underlying function of OC behaviors.