Our study is the first using multiple variables to compare concurrent with longitudinal predictors of cognitive disengagement syndrome (CDS). The population-based sample comprised 376 youth (mean baseline age 8.7 and follow-up 16.4 years) rated by parents on the Pediatric Behavior Scale. The baseline CDS score was the strongest predictor of follow-up CDS. Baseline autism and insomnia symptoms also predicted follow-up CDS above and beyond baseline CDS. Autism, insomnia, inattention, somatic complaints, and excessive sleep were concurrently related to CDS at baseline and follow-up. Additionally, follow-up depression was associated with follow-up CDS, and baseline hyperactivity/impulsivity was negatively associated with baseline CDS. Oppositional defiant/conduct problems and anxiety were nonsignificant. Age, sex, race, and parent occupation were unrelated to CDS, and correlations between baseline CDS and 15 IQ, achievement, and neuropsychological test scores were nonsignificant. Results indicate childhood CDS is the strongest risk factor for adolescent CDS, followed by autism and insomnia symptoms.