In the U.S., helping the noncompliant child and parent child interaction therapy represent behavioral family therapy programs that are empirically supported for treating the conduct problems of 2- to 7-year old children. This study examined how caregivers in China would view behavioral family therapy. Caregivers in Hangzhou, China reported the perceived age of deviance for behavioral family therapy targets (e.g., noncompliance) and rated the acceptability of behavioral treatment components (e.g., timeout). Chinese caregivers agreed with European-American culture on considering noncompliance, aggression, tantrums, and negative talk deviant during the pre-school period. Overall, Chinese caregivers considered all the following nine behavioral family therapy components acceptable: contingent praise, responsive play, ignoring deviant attention seeking, authoritative instruction-giving, warnings, chair timeouts, ignoring tantrums during timeout, room backups for chair timeouts, and immediate timeouts for aggression. However, specific parental reservations were found regarding backup procedures for chair timeouts, particularly room backups. Possible treatment accommodations of behavioral family therapy for Chinese families are discussed.