Children are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at much higher rates than in the past, with the increasing rates arising primarily from the broadened diagnostic criteria and increased public and professional awareness of the disorder. In turn, this has resulted in increased demands for psychological services, which many service providers struggle to meet. Single session clinics are an innovative form of intervention which can facilitate quick access to psychological services, without the burden of lengthy waiting times. This feasibility study examined the nature of presenting problems, attendance rates and parental satisfaction with a single session clinic for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. The service offers short one-to-one consultation with a psychologist and sessions can be booked up to one month in advance. The single session clinic was developed to provide individual intervention to families within the constraints of an overwhelmed service. Good attendance rates and relatively high satisfaction suggest the single-session consultation for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder is an acceptable form of service. Limitations include the a need for more detailed evaluation of the impact of the sessions on both parental anxiety and child outcomes, and to identify more clearly who may benefit most from this model.