There is a scarcity in the literature on the schema therapy model in the context of chronic diseases containing the cardiovascular disease. In this regard, the present study aimed to investigate the structural relationships of cardiac health-related behaviors in the general population based on early maladaptive schemas with the mediating role of emotion regulation and self-compassion. Participants were 700 individuals among a general community sample of Iranians (Mean age = 33.04, females = 53.14%, range = 18–60 years). Results from structural equation modeling have supported the proposed model indicating that the schematic domains of disconnection and rejection, impaired limits, and other-directedness both directly and indirectly, as well as the domains of over-vigilance and inhibition indirectly demonstrated an impact on cardiac health-related behaviors through suppression, reappraisal and self-compassion (χ2 = 1678.00, p < .001; CFI = 0.94, NFI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.061, GFI = 0.86, SRMR = 0.075, IFI = 0.94). The final model accounted for 55.9% of the variance of cardiac health-related behaviors. According to the findings derived from the present research model, educational models based on schema therapy, emotion regulation, and self-compassion can be developed and implemented to enhance cardiac health-related behaviors.