Depressive symptoms are considered to have evolutionary social functions to reduce social risks with peers and family members. However, social processes and their relationship to depressive symptoms have been understudied in adolescent boys. Low engagement in social contexts may predict depressive symptoms in adolescent boys, as it may signify efforts to reduce social risks. To address these issues, this study focused on 160 boys at risk for affective problems based on low socioeconomic status. We evaluated how behavioral and physiological engagement in peer and family contexts, respectively, in late childhood predicted depressive symptoms at age 12 and age 15. Social withdrawal was measured across late childhood (ages 9–12) in a camp setting using a latent variable of teacher ratings of withdrawn behavior, peer nominations of withdrawn behavior, and camp counselor ratings of withdrawn behavior. Physiological reactivity was measured during a provocative parent–child conversation using respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) at age 12. Social withdrawal in late childhood predicted depressive symptoms at age 12. The combination of high levels of social withdrawal with peers from ages 9–12 and low RSA reactivity with a parent at age 12 predicted higher depressive symptoms at age 15. Withdrawal in multiple social contexts may place boys at risk for depressive symptoms during the vulnerable period of adolescence.