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Autonomous forms of motivation underpinning injury prevention and rehabilitation among police officers: An application of the trans-contextual model

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The present study applied the trans-contextual model (TCM) to understand the motivational processes underpinning workers’ injury prevention and rehabilitation intentions and behavior. Full-time police officers (N = 207; M age = 37.24, SD = 9.93) completed questionnaire measures of the TCM variables. Covariance-based SEM for the full sample revealed that the effect of autonomy support from supervisor on autonomous motivation for injury prevention (M-injury) was fully mediated by autonomous work motivation (M-work), and the effect of M-injury on intention was fully mediated by attitude and subjective norm. Variance-based SEM for the 87 participants who had recent occupational injury showed that the effect of autonomy support from supervisor on autonomous treatment motivation (M-treatment) was partially mediated by M-work, and the effect of perceived autonomy support from physician on treatment adherence was fully mediated by M-treatment. There was no effect of treatment adherence on recovery length. Findings support the motivational sequence of the TCM in an occupational context.

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  1. There are three different forms of autonomous motivation in SDT (Deci and Ryan 2000, 2008): (1) Intrinsic motivation, the most self-determined form of motivation, implies behavioral engagement for the inherent pleasure in the activity; (2) Integrated motivation, a less self-determined form of autonomous motivation than intrinsic motivation, is adopted when actions are coherent with life values or other structures within the self; (3) Identified motivation, the least self-determined form of autonomous motivation, represents performing acts for personally important values, which indeed are not fully emanated from the sense of self.

  2. There are two forms of controlled motivation in SDT (Deci and Ryan 2000, 2008): (1) External motivation, the least self-determined form of controlled motivation, refers to behaviors executed merely for attainment of externally references rewards (e.g., money and promotion) or avoidance of negative consequences (e.g., punishment, fines); and (2) Introjected motivation, a controlled form of motivation which is somewhat more self-determined than external motivation, is adopted when we act for satisfying social obligations in order to avoid being guilty, shameful, or under-pressure.

  3. Full details for the psychometric properties of the TPB measure of injury prevention can be obtained from the first author.

  4. Model goodness of fit for the CB-SEM analyses was evaluated using multiple criteria including the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), comparative fit index (CFI), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and standardized root-mean square residual (SRMR). Values for the TLI and CFI greater than .90 were considered indicative of acceptable fit (Bentler 1990), with values greater than .95 preferable (Hu and Bentler 1999). RMSEA and SRMR’s values less than or equal to .06 were considered indicative of very good fit (Hu and Bentler 1999), and values of .08 or less traditionally considered acceptable.

  5. According to Baron and Kenny (1986), mediation is confirmed if the mediator has significant associations with both the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV), the IV predicts the DV independently (i.e., the direct effect model), and this path becomes non-significant when the DV is also predicted by the mediator (i.e., the combined effects model). Partial mediation is present when the strength of IV → DV is significantly reduced in the combined effects model and the indirect effect is significant but the direct effect remains significant. On the other hand, Zhao et al. (2010) proposed mediation should be evidenced by significant direct and indirect effects of the IV on the DV.


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This research was supported by an International Research Scholarship awarded to Derwin K.-C. Chan from the University of Nottingham.

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Chan, D.KC., Hagger, M.S. Autonomous forms of motivation underpinning injury prevention and rehabilitation among police officers: An application of the trans-contextual model. Motiv Emot 36, 349–364 (2012).

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