To provide norms for the EQ-5D index scores based on Singapore preference weights according to age, sex, ethnicity, and language version and compare the EQ-5D index scores for respondents with and without psychiatric disorders and chronic medical conditions.
The Singapore Mental Health Study was a cross-sectional epidemiological survey of a nationally representative sample of the resident (citizens and permanent residents) population in Singapore. The diagnoses of psychiatric disorders were established using the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview version 3.0 (CIDI 3.0). Index scores were derived using the Singapore preference weights.
In general, the mean EQ-5D index score using Singapore preference weights decreased with increased age. The EQ-5D Malay version reported lower mean EQ-5D index than the English version. In multivariate analysis, the mean EQ-5D index for respondents with MDD, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, GAD, OCD, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis or rheumatism, neurological condition, stroke or major paralysis, heart attack, back problems, stomach ulcer, kidney failure, migraine headaches, and chronic lung disease was significantly lower than those without these conditions.
These findings support the use of the Singapore preference weights for EQ-5D valuations when measuring health-related quality of life and comparing the health burden of psychiatric and chronic physical conditions among adults in Singapore.