A descriptive study of an outpatient geriatric consultation practice in The Netherlands.
In general older adults, even the oldest old are community dwelling and vital. However, vulnerability can silently or suddenly exist. Multidisciplinary assessment of health problems and disabilities is necessary to compose a comprehensive intervention program. In the Netherlands, a team specialised in elderly care accomplishes home-based assessments. In 2009 we conducted a case study aiming to describe the characteristics of the patients and the reasons for consultation. A total of 84 records were analysed. 60% of the clients were 85 years or older, 32% were living independently and 61% were residents in homes for elderly people. The majority of clients was female and living alone (widowed). Most clients had multiple issues and were referred for cognitive evaluation. During the process of assessment many underlying behavioural, emotional and social problems became manifest. These findings support that symptoms and complaints of frail elderly are complex. A systematic multidisciplinary approach enhances the dialogue with patients and caregivers to discuss their needs and their attitude towards care. More research, however, is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention.