Previous research has demonstrated that depressive symptoms are positively linked to early maladaptive schemas and negatively linked to trait mindfulness. However, the role trait mindfulness may play in buffering the effect of early maladaptive schemas on depressive symptoms has not yet been studied. Therefore, in the current study, we examined whether trait mindfulness moderates this relationship. Specifically, using a community sample of 207 Australian adults, we administered the Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale, the Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form-3rd Edition, and the Depression subscale of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale. Results revealed that trait mindfulness moderated the relationship between early maladaptive schema endorsement and depressive symptoms. The findings are consistent with the proposition that trait mindfulness acts as a protective mechanism in limiting depressive symptomatology. Theoretical implications are discussed, with a focus on understanding how and why mindfulness-based affect regulation strategies can be used to help buffer the effect of early maladaptive schemas on depression.