Italian-language versions of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C; Laurent et al.
Psychological Assessment, 11, 326–338,
1999) and Physiological Hyperarousal Scale for Children (PH-C; Laurent et al.
Psychological Assessment, 16, 373–380,
2004) were developed. Students (
N = 1026;
M age = 12.05 years,
SD = 1.49) from central Italy completed these scales. Measures were evaluated based on criteria from previous studies resulting in an 11-item PANAS-C PA scale (α = .88), a 13-item PANAS-C NA scale (α = .87), and a 14-item PH-C (α = .85). Confirmatory factor analyses resulted in best-fit indices that favored a 3-factor model consistent with the tripartite model of anxiety and depression. Similar to results reported with the original English-language and other translations of these measures, scores on the PA scale were lower and scores on the NA and PH scales were higher for older girls than older boys and younger boys and girls. Findings suggested that the psychometric properties of the Italian-language versions of the PANAS-C and PH-C were similar to the English-language versions and other translated versions of the measures.