Few studies have assessed parent–adolescent conflict in adolescents with ADHD, potential related factors to this conflict and parent–adolescent agreement on their conflicts. This study compared parent–adolescent conflict in a large sample of adolescents with ADHD/ODD, ADHD only and a sample of typically developing [TD] adolescents. Further, informant discrepancies between parents and adolescents regarding conflict and factors (ODD, planning problems, depression and anxiety) relating to this parent–adolescent conflict were investigated. Adolescents (50 ADHD/ODD, 109 ADHD, 34 TD) aged 12 to 17 years old and their parents completed questionnaires on parent–adolescent conflict, ADHD symptoms, ODD symptoms, planning problems, depression and anxiety symptoms. Significant differences in conflict between all groups were found; the ADHD/ODD group showed most parent–adolescent conflict and the TD group the least. In the total ADHD sample (ADHD only combined with ADHD/ODD adolescents), no informant discrepancies between parents and adolescents were found on conflict measures. Within the total ADHD sample, parent–adolescent conflict was related to parent-reported ODD symptoms and planning problems. Parent–adolescent conflict is pronounced in adolescents with ADHD and even more in adolescents with ADHD/ODD. Parents and adolescents agree on the frequency of conflict. ODD symptoms and planning problems are related factors to conflict and could be important aims for treatment in adolescents with ADHD.