This longitudinal study examined the mediating role of mindful parenting in the relations between parental cognitive reappraisal and parenting practices such as physical coercion, psychological control, and parental warmth.
A total of 170 mothers (Mage = 35.63; SD = 4.91) and 164 fathers (Mage = 39.95; SD = 6.27) of preschoolers from 175 Hong Kong Chinese families participated in this study. Initially, mothers and fathers completed self-report questionnaires assessing their cognitive reappraisal. Six months later, both parents reported on their mindful parenting and parenting practices. Spousal reports of physical coercion and psychological control were also collected. Structural equation modeling was conducted separately for mothers and fathers to examine the mediation models.
Mindful parenting mediated the associations between parental cognitive reappraisal and parenting practices in both mothers and fathers. Specifically, initial parental cognitive reappraisal had a positive effect on mindful parenting 6 months later, which in turn was negatively related to physical coercion and psychological control, and positively related to parental warmth. For mothers only, initial parental cognitive reappraisal had a positive effect on parental warmth 6 months later, after accounting for the mediating role of mindful parenting.
The study highlighted how mindful parenting connects parental cognitive reappraisal and parenting practices for both mothers and fathers with children in preschool years. The findings provide valuable information for professionals and intervention programs to incorporate mindful parenting approaches with emotion regulation strategies to promote appropriate parenting practices.
This study is not preregistered.