Symptom accommodation—behaviors that family members engage in either to prevent or alleviate a loved one’s anxiety—is ubiquitous in families with relatives affected by fear-based disorders (FBDs), yet little research has examined the extent to which certain psychological factors predict symptom accommodation. The current study examined several potential predictors (e.g., empathic concern) among co-residing relatives of individuals diagnosed with FBDs. Participants (n = 53) completed a series of clinical interviews and self report measures. Results indicated that accommodation occurred to similar degrees across relatives with various relationships to the individual with a FBD, as well as across different FBDs. Further, the predictors jointly explained a significant amount of variance in accommodation; although, no single construct emerged as a unique predictor. Empathic concern and expressed emotion emerged as marginally significant predictors of symptom accommodation. Conclusions, limitations, and future directions are discussed.