Background: Depression screening can improve identification and subsequent treatment of depression in general practice. Response of Turkish and Moroccan elderly is unknown.
(1) To assess the response of elderly Turkish and Moroccan general practice patients on a postal depression screening.
(2) To trace reasons for non-response.
Method:At 14 different primary care centres, elderly (55+) were screened with GDS-15. Turkish and Moroccan elderly were telephonically and house-to-house approached for tracing the reasons for non-response.
Results: Response rate Dutch elderly (n=6060; 62%), Turks (n= 39; 31%) and Moroccans (n=117; 34%). Most important reason for non-response among Turkish elderly was “temporary other place of staying” (Turkey). Among Moroccans it was “illiteracy”.
Conclusion: Response is very low by elderly migrants compared to Dutch elderly. The reasons for non-response implicate that other means to approach migrants’ sub-populations
should be sought.