The study’s purpose was to select/refine measures assessing psychosocial constructs associated with skin cancer risk/protective behaviors. Cognitive interviewing was conducted with twenty participants locally, and a survey was conducted with 965 adults aged 18–25 years at moderate to high risk of developing skin cancer, recruited nationally online. Psychosocial measures assessed variables from the Integrative Model of Behavior Prediction. As a result of expert review and cognitive interviewing, items were removed, added, and/or made simpler, more personal, consistent, and less ambiguous. A factor analysis resulted in 14 scales and adequate model fit. Internal reliability and test–retest reliability was acceptable to good. Correlations among the psychosocial and behavioral variables were generally significant and in expected directions, demonstrating convergent validity. We have refined measures that assess important psychosocial constructs associated with skin cancer-related behaviors, that research participants can understand and complete successfully, and that are reliable and demonstrate evidence for validity.