Lacking a comprehensible and widely applicable Dutch test to assess body image changes in cancer patients, we validated Hopwood’s Body Image Scale (BIS) for the Dutch language.
The BIS consists of 10 items scored 0–3. Total scores range from 0 (minimum body image-related distress) to 30 (maximum distress). After forward and backward translation of the BIS, we evaluated its psychometric characteristics in breast cancer patients. We assessed feasibility by missing answer rates and positive response prevalence (score ≥1) per item (criterion ≥30 %), test–retest reliability with a 2-week interval, internal consistence using Cronbach’s α and discriminant ability by comparing body image after breast-conserving therapy (BCT) versus mastectomy.
Psychometric evaluation of 108 BCT and 101 mastectomy patients showed high feasibility (0.2 % missing answers), high positive response prevalence of ≥30 % in 9/10 items and high internal consistency (α > 0.90). Test–retest reliability and correlation were high with 5.78 (test) versus 5.75 (retest; P = 0.86) and Spearman’s ρ = 0.92 (P < 0.01). Discriminant ability was good with BIS scores of 4.56 after BCT versus 7.19 after mastectomy (P < 0.01). All results were comparable to the results of the original BIS.
The Dutch-translated BIS showed excellent psychometric results very similar to the original BIS. Its concise and simple design further supports wide application in clinical practice.