To determine the usefulness of cumulative and additive risk models in predicting the healthy-related quality of life (HRQOL) of caregivers of youth with chronic gastrointestinal conditions.
203 caregivers (82.8% mothers; 77.3% white) of youth (M = 11.27 years; 44.3% female; 78.8% White) completed self-report questionnaires focused on potential environmental, child health, and family risk factors that could impact caregiver HRQOL. Cumulative risk models, evaluating overall combined risk level, as well as an additive risk model, exploring individual risk variables, were evaluated.
Higher levels of cumulative risk were associated with poorer caregiver HRQOL after controlling for child and caregiver sex. A linear cumulative risk model was a better fit than a quadratic cumulative risk model for predicting caregiver HRQOL, while an additive model identified child HRQOL, child pain interference and family functioning as the most individually impactful risk variables.
This study illustrates the usefulness of both additive and cumulative risk approaches in identifying caregivers at risk for poor HRQOL. Provision of appropriate referrals and interventions based on the caregiver’s risk factors can help protect caregiver quality of life and, in turn, benefit the care children with chronic conditions receive at home.