Valenkamp, M. W., Verhulst, F. C., & De Ruiter, C. (2006).Screening instruments for psychopathology in youth, Kind en Adolescent, 27 (1), 4-30.
Summary: Using concise standardised questionnaires for psychopathology, we are able to select young people eligible for further psychodiagnostic assessment, prevention and treatment programmes or scientific research. In this article we present an overview of current Dutch and international screening instruments (some already translated into Dutch) used to detect psychopathological problems in children and adolescents. Parents, adolescents and/or teachers have a maximum of twenty minutes to fill in the questionnaires. We examine, for the sixteen instruments, whether there are norms for the Dutch population of children and adolescents, and the extent to which research is being conducted in this field. The Dutch-language instruments validated and standardized for our country is limited to two: the aseba questionnaires and the sdq.