This issue marks the beginning of my sixth year as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment (JPBA). Due to excellent submissions, the journal has had impressive success in the past 5 years with the impact factor doubling in that time. Our team remains committed to soliciting and publishing the very best articles in order to continue this trend and to place the most informative science in the pages of JPBA. With high-quality submissions, the journal has been able to present chief developments in the science and practice of assessment and psychopathology. Scholarly manuscripts have also included important papers on intervention. All these studies have provided rich journal content and the editorial team for the journal is committed to improving manuscript quality through constructive feedback. In next few years, I would like to encourage authors to write articles that better inform ways to assess, understand, and treat psychopathology. New directions that may aid in this upcoming research adventure include addressing RDoC constructs, utilizing multi-time point investigations, utilizing physiological assessment, collaborating in worldwide contributions, and considering the economics of assessment and intervention. I am excited about the up-coming year of editing the journal and invite authors to take advantage of the range of opportunities for publication in this journal.