Steering Committee Pregnancy and Birth advises extra attention to disadvantaged neighborhoods
The Steering Committee Pregnancy and Birth that was created by the Minister of Health and Welfare to study the relatively high perinatal mortality in the Netherlands, advises that extra attention be paid to pregnant women in disadvantaged neighborhoods. The perinatal mortality is substantially higher in these neighborhoods and is the highest among non-western migrants. In order to bridge the information gap for people in a disadvantaged situation customized care is needed. This implies the provision of target group specific information, prevention programs and intensification of care, according to the Steering Committee. Additionally, the Steering Committee recommends the development of a national program “Pregnant in disadvantaged situations”. We recommend the involvement of migrant outreach workers to improve outreaching to non-western migrants. They are the healthcare workers that can provide information, education and communication on subjects such as preconception care and maternity care. This information should be provided in a culturally sensitive manner to populations in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Migrant outreach workers have proven to be able to bring healthcare professionals and non-western pregnant women together.
Keywords: perinatal mortality, non-western migrants, disadvantaged neighborhoods, migrant outreach workers, culturally sensitive information