1 | When the father had to put down the badly injured horse, it was a confronting and horrific thing to watch | Was the horse badly injured? | YES | Was the horse uninjured? | NO |
2 | When the family had to leave all their friends behind and everyone was so upset, it was very disheartening | Was everyone excited for the family to leave? | NO | Was everyone upset that the family was leaving? | YES |
3 | Seeing the family abused, and treated as less than human, by these drunken soldiers was appalling | Was the family's treatment appalling? | YES | Was the family's treatment humane? | NO |
4 | When the father of the other family drowned, while trying to save his child, it was absolutely dreadful | Was it relieving watching the father try to save his child? | NO | Was it dreadful watching the father try to save the child? | YES |
5 | The images of the terrible injuries caused when the bomb destroyed the refugee centre were sickening | Did the bomb destroy the refugee centre? | YES | Did the bomb destroy the market? | NO |
6 | The fact that nobody helped when the daughter was crushed in the crowded refugee truck was utterly disgraceful | Was the youngest son crushed in the crowded truck? | NO | Was the youngest daughter crushed in the crowded truck? | YES |
7 | Seeing the beach filled with the bodies of so many entire families, after the boat accident, was highly traumatic | Was it traumatic seeing the beach? | YES | Was it heartwarming seeing the beach? | NO |
8 | When the parents were cheated by the trafficker, losing their entire life savings, it was extremely dispiriting | Was their interaction with the trafficker heart-warming? | NO | Was their interaction with the trafficker dispiriting? | YES |
9 | The intense distress of the daughter when she was brutally separated from her family was heart-wrenching | Was the daughter separated from her family? | YES | Was the son separated from his family? | NO |
10 | The abject squalor of the living conditions endured by the family at the camp was nauseatingly repugnant | Were the camp living conditions good? | NO | Were the camp living conditions bad? | YES |
11 | When the parents had to choose which of their children would live, and which would die, their agony was unbearable | Was it agonising to watch the parents make this choice? | YES | Was it easy to watch the parents make this choice? | NO |
12 | The image of that young boy taking his last breath, so skinny and weak from starvation, was unforgettable | Was it a relief to see the young boy take his last breath? | NO | Was it unforgettable to see the young boy take his last breath? | YES |
13 | When the family had to watch helplessly as the fire destroyed all their shared memories, it was terribly upsetting | Did the fire destroy their shared memories? | YES | Did the flood destroy their shared memories? | NO |
14 | The pleasure with which the pompous official denied the desperate family their entitled support was infuriating | Did the official give the family their entitled support? | NO | Did the official refuse the family their entitled support? | YES |
15 | The father’s intense grief when he learned that the mother’s ill-health was due to cancer was harrowing | Was the father's realisation harrowing to see? | YES | Was the father's realisation uplifting to see? | NO |
16 | The brutality of the father’s severe beating at the hands of the port authority guards was shocking | Was the father's severe beating unsurprising? | NO | Was the father's severe beating shocking? | YES |
17 | The sight of the young boy being beaten in front of his father by thugs was quite simply revolting | Was the young boy beaten by thugs? | YES | Was the young girl beaten by thugs? | NO |
18 | Seeing the malicious guard leave the family's dog bloodied and broken in the streets was a nauseating sight | Did the guard help the dog? | NO | Did the guard leave the dog? | YES |
19 | The look of unadultered fear in the kids' eyes when having racial slurs shouted at them was enraging | Was it enraging to see how the children are treated? | YES | Was it encouraging to see how the children are treated? | NO |
20 | The hopelessness the family felt when angrily told to go back to their own country was disappointing | Was the family's reaction encouraging? | NO | Was the family's reaction disappointing? | YES |
21 | The way the ticket master yelled and screamed at the family for wasting his time was nothing short of outrageous | Did the ticket master yell at the family? | YES | Did the ticket master talk nicely to the family? | NO |
22 | The racism the family had to endure in their new homeland was extremely difficult to witness | Was everyone kind to the family in their new home? | NO | Did the family endure racism in their new home? | YES |
23 | Watching the family slowly become skinnier and more beaten-down over time was particularly difficult to endure | Was it difficult watching the family change over time? | YES | Was it easy watching the family change over time? | NO |
24 | To watch the parents' starve themselves so that their kids could eat each night was heartbreaking | Was it heart-warming to watch the parent's suffer for their kids? | NO | Was it heartbreaking to watch the parent's suffer for their kids? | YES |
25 | The sight of hundreds of refugees starving and exhausted at the camp was truly traumatising | Were there lots of refugees at the camp? | YES | Were there only a few refugees at the camp? | NO |
26 | The sight of rotting fish and waste aboard the refugee boat was an incredibly abhorrent sight | Was the refugee boat in a good condition? | NO | Was the refugee boat in a bad condition? | YES |
27 | Watching as the family desperately tried to eat the meat covered in filth and flies was unendurable | Was it unendurable to watch the family eat the meat? | YES | Was it relieving to watch the family eat the meat? | NO |
28 | The sight of the filth and mess that littered the makeshift refugee camp bathroom was truly horrifying | Was the state of the bathroom an uplifting sight? | NO | Was the state of the bathroom a horrifying sight? | YES |
29 | The sight of the sewage and waste that contaminated the family's home street was very haunting | Was the street lined with sewage and waste? | YES | Was the street clean? | NO |
30 | The fear in the father's eyes after being informed that he has tuberculosis was incredibly disheartening | Did the father learn that he has cancer? | NO | Did the father learn that he has tuberculosis? | YES |
31 | Seeing footage of sick refugees at the camp, desperately fighting the urge to give in to death, was gut-wrenching | Was the footage of the refugees gut-wrenching? | YES | Was the footage of the refugees inspiriting? | NO |
32 | The way the children cried and grieved when they discovered that their dog was fatally ill was tormenting | Was the childrens' grief a welcome sight? | NO | Was the children's grief tormenting? | YES |
33 | Watching as the mother screamed and cried when her husband was placed on a separate boat was crushing | Were the parents placed on separate boats? | YES | Were the parents placed on the same boat? | NO |
34 | The force with which the guard ripped the young girl from her mother's arms was extremely challenging to watch | Was the young boy ripped from his mother's arms? | NO | Was the young girl ripped from her mother's arms? | YES |
35 | The way the boy stared at the wall with vacant eyes after being torn from his family was especially painful to see | Was it painful watching the boy's reaction? | YES | Was it painless watching the boy's reaction? | NO |
36 | Watching the father grieve as his friend was executed in the street was unfathomably poignant to watch | Was the father's position a happy one? | NO | Was the father's position a sad one? | YES |
37 | When the boat wouldn't turn back for the man who fell overboard, the shrieks of terror that followed were scarring | Did a man fall from the boat? | YES | Did a woman fall from the boat? | NO |
38 | Watching the man having to endure burying his own son, his only surviving family, was incredibly heart-rending | Does the man still have surviving family? | NO | Is the man the last of his family? | YES |
39 | Watching the boy return home to find his stuffed bear charred and matted was very demoralising | Was the boy's return home demoralising? | YES | Was the boy's return home encouraging? | NO |
40 | Watching as the last family photo flew into the sky, carried by the wind, was quite dejecting | Was the sight of the family photo heartening? | NO | Was the sight of the family photo dejecting? | YES |
41 | The family's excitement quickly turned to despair when turned away by the coast guard, which was awful to see | Was the family rejected by the coast guard? | YES | Was the family accepted by the coast guard? | NO |
42 | The hostility the family endured at the hands of the citizens of their new home was truly deplorable | Were the citizens of their new home friendly? | NO | Were the citizens of their new home hostile? | YES |
43 | When the family was asked to leave the store because of how they were dressed, it was especially inflaming | Was the shop-keepers reaction inflaming? | YES | Was the shop-keepers reaction justified? | NO |
44 | Watching how hard it was for the family to find friends who accepted their tragic history was discouraging | Was it encouraging watching the family try to make friends? | NO | Was it discouraging watching the family try to make friends? | YES |
45 | To see the family take shelter in the ruins of their destroyed home, amid the ash and rain, was very depressing | Did the family find shelter at their home? | YES | Did the family fail to find shelter at their home? | NO |
46 | The fact that the family spent their nights wandering the streets looking for food scraps was particularly grim | Did the family sleep at night? | NO | Did the family wander the streets at night? | YES |
47 | Seeing so many families sleeping on the street, surrounded by dirt and disease, induced a sense of hopelessness | Did it feel hopeless seeing these families together? | YES | Did it feel hopeful seeing these families together? | NO |
48 | The sight of two young siblings trudging through the muck, begging for scraps of food or coin, was so tragic | Was the sight of the two siblings jolly? | NO | Was the sight of the two siblings tragic? | YES |
49 | Watching the family endure so much pain without anything to show for it induced an acute sense of despair | Was the family's pain in vain? | YES | Was the family's pain rewarded? | NO |
50 | The way the guard smirked when refusing the family entry to the boat, leaving them feeling hopeless, was maddening | Did the family feel hopeful? | NO | Did the family feel hopeless? | YES |
51 | Watching the father step outside and away from his family, only to break down in tears, was truly miserable | Was the father's faltering strength miserable to see? | YES | Was the father's faltering strength admirable to see? | NO |
52 | To watch the kids grow up with such suffering was a disturbing reminder of the inequity in this world | Was this reminder an inspiring one? | NO | Was this reminder a disturbing one? | YES |
53 | When the father put down their dog and tears rolled down his cheek, it was a particularly bereaving moment | Did the father struggle with this task? | YES | Did the father find this task easy? | NO |
54 | The family starved for days to afford boat tickets, which was a distressing contrast to the comfort we know | Could the family easily afford the boat tickets? | NO | Did the family acquire the boat tickets? | YES |
55 | For no good reason, the ticket vendor increased the cost of entry for the family, which was completely vile | Was the ticket vendor's action vile? | YES | Was the ticket vendor's action kind? | NO |
56 | Watching the guard threaten to toss the boy overboard if his parents didn’t pay him was absolutely terrifying | Did the guard toss the boy overboard? | NO | Did the guard threaten to toss the boy overboard? | YES |
57 | The state of the refugee shelter, overcrowded and writhing with despair, was truly disgusting | Was the shelter overcrowded? | YES | Was the shelter roomy? | NO |
58 | The mother woke up one night to the touch of a rat crawling across her body, which was utterly nauseating | Did a spider crawl across the mother's body? | NO | Did a rat crawl across the mother's body? | YES |
59 | Watching as the family had to navigate through crowds of thugs and criminals just to return home was atrocious | Was the family's need for caution atrocious? | YES | Was the family's need for caution pleasing? | NO |
60 | Watching as the law enforcement exploited and abused the refugees was inexplicably gruelling | Was the law enforcement a positive presence? | NO | Was the law enforcement an abusive presence? | YES |
61 | The pictures of the massacre that occurred in one of the smaller villages were truly mortifying to behold | Did the massacre occur in a village? | YES | Did the massacre occur in the desert? | NO |
62 | The silence that followed the execution of a boy as punishment for stealing an apple was unsettling | Was the boy's punishment fair? | NO | Was the boy's punishment unjust? | YES |
63 | The fear lingering in the eyes of the boy's parents after his wound nearly took his life was perturbing | Were the parents' reactions perturbing? | YES | Were the parents' reactions relieving? | NO |
64 | The lack of empathy shown by the guard when asked to stop the thugs from beating an innocent man was contemptible | Was the guard's attitude helpful? | NO | Was the guard's attitude unhelpful? | YES |