In patients with hypertension non-compliance with drug treatment has been shown to be between 15 to 54%, and has been recognised as a relevant contributor to the burden of cardiovascular morbidity.
1-4 Several example, up to 92% of patients experience unpleasant symptoms of their condition
5-7 and, particularly in these patients, experienced symptoms may enhance compliance. In contrast, hypertension is considered a condition without symptoms,
8,9 and this, in addition to psychological factors such as lack of regret or shame, may enhance non-compliance. To date no report has simultaneously assessed the effects of physical, social and psychological factors on non-compliance. Non-compliant patients will be compared with their compliant counterparts for the presence of the above factors using a battery of previously applied questionnaires. Noncompliance of patients with hypertension is of major concern to cardiologists and internists. We hope the current report will be helpful when dealing with these patients. …