Mere repeated administration of anxiety sensitivity (AS) measures (i.e., fear of anxiety-related sensations) leads to predictably lower scores, and this effect cannot be attributed to regression to the mean or the indirect provision of anxiety related information. The purpose of this study was to determine whether (a) the number of times an anxiety sensitivity measure is administered within a 2 week time period, and (b) the elapsed time between the initial and subsequent administrations influence mean reductions in anxiety sensitivity scores and test–retest correlations. Fifty-five participants were randomly assigned to complete a self-report measure of anxiety sensitivity (the Anxiety Sensitivity Index—Revised; ASI-R) two, four, or eight times over a 2-week period. Results indicated that ASI-R total scores declined from the first administration to the second administration only. The time elapsed between the first and second administrations ranged from 1 day to 2 weeks. However, the elapsed time between the first and second administrations did not moderate the observed decline in scores. In addition, examination of test–retest correlations provided qualified evidence that the reliability of the measure changes with repeated exposure to the ASI-R. Implications for the valid assessment of AS are discussed.